Serenellini - Dona

Serenellini - Dona

  • £2,295.00

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Description :

A very solidly Italian built 2 voice 3 row melodeon from the Serenellini factory. Fitted with super Dural reeds and flashy gold buttons to complement the natural cherry-wood finish this box has a charming and typically Italian sound. Features a stop on the left hand to remove the thirds from the chords.

Specification :

Rows : 3

Treble buttons : 33

Basses : 12

Treble voices : 2

Weight (kg) : 3.5

Width (cm) : 28

Depth (cm) : 16

Bellows x section (sq. cm) : 448

Treb stops : 0

3rds stop : Y

Bass octave stop : N

Treble registers : 0

Bass registers : 0

Keyboard : Stepped