Castagnari - Giordy - Melodeon / Diatonic Accordion - 2 row, 12 button, 8 bass, 1 voice, 1 kg - Squeezeboxes

Castagnari - Giordy

  • £799.00

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Description :

The pint-sized Castagnari Giordy has a real cult following. Small enough to fit in a coat pocket, this instrument is built to the same high standards as other Castagnari melodeons and features 2 rows, 8 bass buttons and Italian reeds which give its single voice a very distinctive concertina-like tone.  The rows are 6 buttons long each and it plays the same scale as the upper octave on a larger melodeon.  Available in walnut, maple, cherry or paduk wood finishes.

Specification :

Rows : 2

Treble buttons : 12

Basses : 8

Treble voices : 1

Weight (kg) : 1

Width (cm) : 14

Depth (cm) : 9.5

Bellows x section (sq. cm) : 133

Treb stops : 0

3rds stop : No

Bass octave stop : No

Treble registers : 0

Bass registers : 0

Keyboard : Stepped