Castagnari - Handry 12 - Melodeon / Diatonic Accordion - 3 row, 33 buttons, 12 bass, 3 voice -Squeezeboxes

Castagnari - Handry 12

  • £3,799.00

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Description :

The Handry is Castagnari's top-of-the-range full sized 3 row box. Fitted with tipo a mano reeds and featuring registers on both left and right hands that allow a wide variety of voicings to be selected during play. The 3 treble levers behind the keyboard work in 2 directions to give the 5 possible sounds M, MM, LM, L, LMM and the 4 register buttons on the left hand give all the options to remove the thirds from the chords and bring in the lowest reeds.

These boxes are big, so they tend to suit a more efficient continental style of playing. Available in a cherry wood or walnut finish. *Many different layouts are possible to order on 3 row instruments so get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Specification :

Rows : 3

Treble buttons : 33

Basses : 12

Treble voices : 3

Weight (kg) : 5.6

Width (cm) : 30

Depth (cm) : 20

Bellows x section (sq. cm) : 600

Treb stops : 3

3rds stop : No

Bass octave stop : No

Treble registers : 5

Bass registers : 4

Keyboard : Stepped